Welcome to My WellnessVerse

Education is the second most stressful job in America because the needs and expectations feel insurmountable. As an educational leader that cares deeply about the wellness of our teachers and staff, my goal is to inform and inspire you to explore ways to initiate the change you want to see in yourself and the systems you serve.

We are deserving of a workplace where we feel appreciated and valued. I believe that it starts with making ourselves a priority so that we can thrive, not just survive. No matter what role you have, no matter what stage you are in your career, I hope that this will be a space where you can find relatable content and feel connected and supported in your own wellness journey. 

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JJ Ferris

JJ has over 12 years of experience working with students, families and educators in K-12 systems as a licensed school counselor and administrator. Currently serving as a Social Emotional Coordinator in central Ohio and on the leadership team for the Social Emotional Learning Alliance for Ohio. See more.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

“The Power of Teacher Collective Efficacy for Staff and Student Wellness”

August 8 & 9, 2023 Columbus, OH

Filling our Buckets in stressful times